Wednesday, 23 March 2011

A startling trip back to reality

This morning was a normal morning of triple Zionism which was as fascinating and informative as it is each week. When sitting in my volunteering session I suddenly received a stream of 'are you okay' texts followed eventually by a text from someone who actually explained what had happened. Unbeknownst to us, just 20 minutes from where we live a bomb had gone off in central Jerusalem near the CBS. It was an explosive placed in a rucksack by a bus stop which exploded hitting two buses and even more people. I could regurgitate all the facts and figures being spewed out by the media but no doubt that will vastly change within the next 24 hours. It was a startling reality hit to realise that the peaceful and lulled Israel we have been living in for the last six months was in fact a lie and deceptively had led us to believe life in Israel was actually getting better than as is being reported across the diaspora. When faced with this situation the machon-niks were shaken and upset whereas our Israeli madrichim slightly nonchalantly referred to going on with life as normal, and being almost desensitised to this kind of thing. But that is what we will all do. Life goes on. The what ifs of the two girls who should have been there but didn't happen to go to volunteering today, the fact that we are spending a week on tiyul in the south next week, despite the missiles, the fact that there is no guarantee that this is an isolated attack, are almost all irrelevant. If you live your life in fear you live no life at all.  

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