Sunday 17 April 2011

The last week before Pesach Chofesh

Friday 1st April: After a lovely long nights sleep in mama's room we woke early-ish to enjoy the hotel breakfast and set off for our day together. First stop was the 'museum on the seam' the co-existence museum on what used to be the border of east and west Jerusalem. The cutter theme was 'the right to protest' and though slightly 'trippy' the exhibition was fantastic.

After this (and a rather unpleasant taxi driver) we found ourselves (obviously totally by accident) at the American Colony Hotel for drinks which turned into lunch. We went home pretty much just to shluf and shower before returning there for dinner with papa later that evening.

On saturday morning we, being mum,
אבא, Aaron and I, headed up north a bit to visit Ardin and Osnat in Pardes Hanna. We had a what can only be described as scrumptious breakfast and really nice morning with them after which we continued on to Caesaria for a walk on the beach and lunch. The story of how we found somewhere to eat dinner is rather amusing to say the least. Pops decided he knew of a perfect restaurant only he didn't know what it was called, exactly where it was or what kind of food they served. Miraculously somehow the hotel found the resteraunt he was talking about and off we went for dinner in a lovely French resteraunt just off King George street.

On Sunday morning I had lessons as usual, hadracha specialisation followed by ivrit and chavura before off I went to spend an afternoon with mamma on Ben Yehuda, pottering around and eating the best veggie meal ever at T'mol shilshom. At about five o'clock pingu and yonni met us there for a coffee. Our dinner restaurant was a magnificent reservation and a place called machanyuda near the shook where they served  amazing food in a very loud and buzzing atmosphere.

Monday I decided to take off as a chofesh day to spend with benny. For some bizarre reason it was decided that  a museum was the nest place to spend the morning. Lets just say it wasn't all too successful and leave it at that.

Tuesday was a morning of five hours of Jeremy class. First holocaust elective and then story of the Jewish people. In the afternoon we had as usual yom t'nua which though slightly better than usual was still pretty boring. The evening was the spurs match, I had beer spilt over me right at the beginning at let's just say that was the best bit of the night.

Wednesday morning is Zionism, Zionism and a little bit of in-depth Zionism. Followed by social action where we had somewhat of a controversy and lost one of our members.

Thursday morning saw my very first and hopefully last ivrit test on machon. Not such a pleasant experience. I felt like I was back at school when I had tests in subjects I was just truly abysmal at. It was especially frustrating because I know I know more than will come across through a test. After that joyful experience we had chavura followed by yom israel which was themed Israeli culture and encompassed (for my group anyway) a visit to house and then a group trip to the cinematheque where machon had rented out a screen to show us clips from movies throughout israel's history. From here I took three buses and a short walk and 30shek later met Ben and yoni for dinner at 'Orna and Ella' in TA. We had a really lovely meal and then met Arieh for a drink at a chilled bar on the beach. That night I had the long missed experience of going to sleep with absolute silence around me.

I awoke early on Friday morning to get to Alozoroff station to meet the B'nei Akiva bus that I was hitching a ride with to Keshet Seminar. Unfortunately the bus was late and we were subjected to a brief evacuation of the station whilst there was a contained explosion to presumably deal with a bomb threat.
After that we met with the B'nei lot who had just run 10k of the marathon and were very proud of themselves and all headed off to the Beit Yehuda Hostel for the Keshet Seminar which is a seminar organised by Masa for all the British Youth Movements and this particular one was themed on University Life.

The seminar involved a ridiculous group bonding experience including herding sheep, a couple of contorversial services, lots of shabbaty esque things, a couple of sessions on 'Anti-semitism in the UK' and 'Student Politics' (my particular choices) and a fantastic key-note speech by Josh. We were split into university groups so myself, steph, debs and two other netzer girls, the Cambridge contingent were in the 'Smaller J-Socs' group which meant there wasn’t actually anyone from cambridge for us to speak to unfortunately.

The week followed a extremerly normal week of classes with the distinct end-of-term-it's-nearly-holiday feeling going around and lots of people sleeping a lot of the time. I spent most of the evenings with Aaron and his family as both his parents and younger twin brothers were out here for the week.

This weekend was Shabbat B'YAchad, a closed weekend on machon. It was actually really lovely and it massively feels like we have finally bonded as a machzor and everyone is getting on so much better and closer. The weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time chilling on the grass, signing songs and reading. It's really nice to feel like the amazingness of the education and the building of friendships and a community has finally come together to start to create what machon is actually all about.

Speaking of chilling, after being berated by my darling brother for my lack of inspiration and artistic creativity this year, I finally made myself pick up the not so proverbial pen once again and here it is, not my best but a start.

Chag Sameach all x 

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